You know it has been 23 years! Such a long time naa 😊 Not really! time is a bird and the journey should be endless the same as the sky... Limitless. Know why I am trying so hard to express what I feel for you for myself for us... Because I want you to know. To know how much I have adored someone Can say... How dedicated I am towards the things I never felt before and I've never been into before or ever. I know the age of mine is just a step ahead of adolescence and it becomes too difficult to handle the mind and the heart although they are never going to be at the same track yet somehow a moment comes up with hell lots of irresistible and unknown feelings and at the very same moment and you feel inside that your mind and your heart becomes one. Don't know why and how this magic happens and turns you around and the whole world around you. That is the very same moment you think... Hey! What's happening...