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Kick Start a Life..!

Hey There,

It has been quite long time since the last post. Life is on all new track now. Towards the dreams. Nailing the way.

This time I think, every one of my age could relate to. It has been thirteen days, left behind the so-called 'College Life'. 

At 13th, a child becomes a teenager. Ye to life hai !!

The day after Adieu Ceremony. Whole life was changed. And it keeps on changing. As I always say Life keeps on changing the tracks.

That time I eluded. Maybe I didn't. But life is an echo. And it keeps on hitting back to you.

That vogue has been crystal clear now. Like droplets.

All those Unsaid words and secret Gazes told. 

Those Enchanting talks overwhelmed the Soul.

Lots more has been there to Express. 

Who has the Guts to say and Confess?

Do Not take back, if the step has taken. 

Listen to the heart and Magic will happen.

The fragrance of Tulips, bonding among us, flattery feelings and the Heart. Has came up with alluring moments. Bring a smile and made the Life this Large.

And of course, I have the Guts. To Express & to Confess. And this Expressive attitude is a journey in itself as well. 

Maybe I have done some good Karmas earlier in life. So that he gave me such beautiful Life. I feel gifted. Because of  You. Yes, You!

Everyone has that Spark in Life. Some say it all. Some confide in Hearts.

Find your Spark. Let your real self Shine.

Let love come in.

Coming up next with some surprises. Be ready #mini_pro. Inspired by You.

Till then Take Care of your Loved Ones. And make them feel Loved.

See You !!


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