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We have time, really??

I am Busy,  Don't have time, Why don't You call me later.

Faced the phrases many times, right? 

This is something to those who put these phrases up every single time. 

You might not find me anymore when you're disconnecting the call even after knowing that: They worth your attention. 

You might never hear the voice and the tone with which you just argued.

It's time what changes lives.

It's time... 

You would never get to know how and whom it is going to take away from you. 

You're reading this what if I won't be there to post the next draft. 


Question of emptiness which can not be filled. 

The smiles for that you've spent yourself don't make sem saddened. 

Learn to express. Learn to live. Learn to Live. 


Live...  With all your heart. 

Let them know,  That You Care. 
You do. 
Let them know, They are lovable. 
Let them get out of the fact that You are busy. 

If they mean something. They deserve to get to know and You deserve to be Loved.

Because Time flies. 

Take care :)
See you soon. 


  1. Good content.... keep it up dear...

  2. Awsome content Maddy...You always write well..Keep it up...😊


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