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Be That Blessing..!

Let them know. The love that flows. From thee to them. This would be nothing less but a Zeal for life.

Let's deal with Life. Bet to cherish and flourish what? Your dreams. Give it a Chance. After all, the stories of lives have to turn beautifully. Be the Santa to yourself. And to those who are living, just to see you smile.

It is never less than being an angel. Being a roof over your younger siblings. For them, be the One. Whom they will lookup. Hold their hands, so that they won't have to go anywhere. In the search for Someone. With whom they will feel Loved.

For them, who love you like no other thing in this materialistic world, matters. For them, You are their Santa. Coz, you are the purest form of God. They felt blessed when God adorned their Life with You.

Never let them face anything alone. Make them believe, you are there and always will be.

You won't be able to deny the fact that, there is nothing beautiful than their Smiles. And the reason behind those beautiful smiles is You.

Let the distance be covered, 
With the coziness of those warm hugs.

The warmth of some precious smiles. 
Would be enough to define the miles.
Holding hands would make moments cozy.
The journey of life would become so easy.

The cold wind will kiss your cheeks.
Then only you will realize,
Flirt behind those secret winks.

Without even, you get to know,
Maybe you would find the lost you.


So good is the day and its essence,
As a kind soul is celebrating existence.

No matter, what is going on in life.
The hearts are tied through a single thread.

Your heart beats for them,
When they are with you, or around.
Just be honest with yourself,
Chances are there,
Your love would be found.

Still can't get away from those beautiful eves,
When no one was there,
Just you and me,
and times flew like butterflies.

Come and see my heart. 
You would find nothing,
But, the heartbeats searching for you.

Let'em find their destination.
For them, 
Searching for years.

Believe me,
The soul is pure.
How much they loved.
You don't even know.

I won't be able to find any other way to live.
As there's only one way to live. Not to take, but to give.

For me,
What was I? Nothing. The day I found You. My life found a definition.

You made my heart sing that song. I used to say, this is my Favorite one. 
Don't know how? But, somehow you became the One. 
You became my strength. 
And there was none.

You hold my hand and made me believe.
To have faith in myself.
And to trust my Love.

You became the reason.
Behind those blossoms.

Life started blooming like,
Buds blossoms in rain.

Walking with you,
The journey gets easier.
Trust me,
Without you, I had no treasure.

Now, you are the lord
I worship every moment.
You became the One.
With whom,
I want my whole life,
To be spent.

I won't let you go.
I sware,
I will worship you,
Until the day,
I will go.
The day I will take my last breath.
You would get to know.
That, now you are free,
From my warmth.

I am the luckiest,
Coz, God has given me You.
The love for you,
Is not a flattery emotion.
My soul,
Would pursue another birth 
Just to be with You.

Again and Again...

Merry Christ to You all. Have a blessed day ahead. See you!


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